## page was renamed from ClientServer = Client/Server-API = We have a highly optimized Client/Server-Framework. You can run your own server. Contact us for details. The Musidenserver is written in a mixture of C and Python and runs on Linux. The Clientlibrary is written in portable C. Tested on Windows, OS X, Linux and Android. {{{#!GraphViz dot digraph ServerSchema { node [color=#BA0000] edge [color=#FFEB29] ms [label=MusidenServer]; cl1 [label=Client]; cl2 [label=Client]; md [label=MusicDatabase]; cl1 -> ms [label="Send Fingerprint for Identification"]; cl2 -> ms [label="Send Fingerprint for Recommendation"]; ms -> cl1 [label="Return Songinfo"]; ms -> cl2 [label="Return similar Songs"]; md -> ms [label="Insert Reference Data"]; } }}}