# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- """ Moniker theme for MoinMoin wiki Theme code largely based on modernized, with inspiration and help by Roger Haase's FixedLeft theme (code for converting the dropdown menu into javascript). @copyright: 2010 Rick Vanderveer @license: GNU GPL """ from MoinMoin.theme import ThemeBase from MoinMoin.action import get_available_actions from MoinMoin import wikiutil from MoinMoin.Page import Page class Theme(ThemeBase): name = "moniker" # Rick: I call it 'moniker' so that I can use the same CSS folder regardless of which I'm testing. _ = lambda x: x # We don't have gettext at this moment, so we fake it icons = { # key alt icon filename w h # file mime types for AttachTable.py macro: 'unknown': ("unknown type", "filetype-unknown.png", 24, 24), '.doc': ("Word file", "filetype-doc.png", 24, 24), '.docx': ("Word file", "filetype-doc.png", 24, 24), '.xls': ("Excel file", "filetype-xls.png", 24, 24), '.xlsx': ("Excel file", "filetype-xls.png", 24, 24), '.ppt': ("PowerPoint file", "filetype-ppt.png", 24, 24), '.mov': ("mov file", "filetype-mov.png", 24, 24), '.txt': ("txt file", "filetype-doc.png", 24, 24), '.pdf': ("pdf file", "filetype-pdf.png", 24, 24), '.swf': ("Flash file", "filetype-swf.png", 24, 24), '.png': ("Graphic file", "filetype-image.png", 24, 24), '.zip': ("zip file", "filetype-zip.png", 24, 24), '.bmp': ("Graphic file", "filetype-image.png", 24, 24), '.jpg': ("Graphic file", "filetype-image.png", 24, 24), '.gif': ("Graphic file", "filetype-image.png", 24, 24), '.wmv': ("Graphic file", "filetype-media.png", 24, 24), '.wma': ("Graphic file", "filetype-media.png", 24, 24), '.mp3': ("Graphic file", "filetype-media.png", 24, 24), # AttachTable toggle controls #'table-null': ("null table control image", "table-null.png", 16, 16), #'table-close': ("close table control image", "table-null.png", 16, 16), #'table-open': ("open table control image", "table-null.png", 16, 16), # FileAttach 'attach': ("%(attach_count)s", "moin-attach.png", 16, 16), 'info': ("[INFO]", "moin-info.png", 16, 16), 'attachimg': (_("[ATTACH]"), "attach.png", 32, 32), # RecentChanges 'rss': (_("[RSS]"), "moin-rss.png", 16, 16), 'deleted': (_("[DELETED]"), "moin-deleted.png", 16, 16), 'updated': (_("[UPDATED]"), "moin-updated.png", 16, 16), 'renamed': (_("[RENAMED]"), "moin-renamed.png", 16, 16), 'conflict': (_("[CONFLICT]"), "moin-conflict.png", 16, 16), 'new': (_("[NEW]"), "moin-new.png", 16, 16), 'diffrc': (_("[DIFF]"), "moin-diff.png", 16, 16), # General 'bottom': (_("[BOTTOM]"), "moin-bottom.png", 16, 16), 'top': (_("[TOP]"), "moin-top.png", 16, 16), 'www': ("[WWW]", "moin-www.png", 16, 16), 'mailto': ("[MAILTO]", "moin-email.png", 16, 16), 'news': ("[NEWS]", "moin-news.png", 16, 16), 'telnet': ("[TELNET]", "moin-telnet.png", 16, 16), 'ftp': ("[FTP]", "moin-ftp.png", 16, 16), 'file': ("[FILE]", "moin-ftp.png", 16, 16), # search forms 'searchbutton': ("[?]", "moin-search.png", 16, 16), 'interwiki': ("[%(wikitag)s]", "moin-inter.png", 16, 16), # smileys (this is CONTENT, but good looking smileys depend on looking # adapted to the theme background color and theme style in general) #vvv == vvv this must be the same for GUI editor converter 'X-(': ("X-(", 'angry.png', 16, 16), ':D': (":D", 'biggrin.png', 16, 16), '<:(': ("<:(", 'frown.png', 16, 16), ':o': (":o", 'redface.png', 16, 16), ':(': (":(", 'sad.png', 16, 16), ':)': (":)", 'smile.png', 16, 16), 'B)': ("B)", 'smile2.png', 16, 16), ':))': (":))", 'smile3.png', 16, 16), ';)': (";)", 'smile4.png', 16, 16), '/!\\': ("/!\\", 'alert.png', 16, 16), '': ("", 'attention.png', 16, 16), '(!)': ("(!)", 'idea.png', 16, 16), ':-?': (":-?", 'tongue.png', 16, 16), ':\\': (":\\", 'ohwell.png', 16, 16), '>:>': (">:>", 'devil.png', 16, 16), '|)': ("|)", 'tired.png', 16, 16), ':-(': (":-(", 'sad.png', 16, 16), ':-)': (":-)", 'smile.png', 16, 16), 'B-)': ("B-)", 'smile2.png', 16, 16), ':-))': (":-))", 'smile3.png', 16, 16), ';-)': (";-)", 'smile4.png', 16, 16), '|-)': ("|-)", 'tired.png', 16, 16), '(./)': ("(./)", 'checkmark.png', 16, 16), '{OK}': ("{OK}", 'thumbs-up.png', 16, 16), '{X}': ("{X}", 'icon-error.png', 16, 16), '{i}': ("{i}", 'icon-info.png', 16, 16), '{1}': ("{1}", 'prio1.png', 15, 13), '{2}': ("{2}", 'prio2.png', 15, 13), '{3}': ("{3}", 'prio3.png', 15, 13), '{*}': ("{*}", 'star_on.png', 16, 16), '{o}': ("{o}", 'star_off.png', 16, 16), } del _ def header(self, d, **kw): """ Assemble wiki header @param d: parameter dictionary @rtype: unicode @return: page header html """ html = [ # Pre header custom html self.emit_custom_html(self.cfg.page_header1), '
', self.username(d), '


', '
', # Start of left panels. u'', # Post header custom html (not recommended) self.emit_custom_html(self.cfg.page_header2), # Start of page self.msg(d), self.startPage(), self.title_with_separators(d), ] return u'\n'.join(html) # Rick: copied code from Roger Haase's FixedLeft theme, but then whacked out most of it because all I really want is just to load my little javascript. This augments to the __init__.py def html_head def html_head(self, d): """ Assemble html head modifications to ThemeBase method: - Add javascript source file @param d: parameter dictionary @rtype: unicode @return: formatted header """ head = ThemeBase.html_head(self, d) head += u'\n' % (self.cfg.url_prefix_static, self.name) return head # # Rick: Let's build us some panels! # We're going to wrap a cute little HTML box around each bar so we can dress it in CSS. # # Rick: Remember to customize this box by editing the edit_bar entry in your farmconfig/wikiconfig.py file! # ## Rick This is a basic, no-frills (no hiding) panel def navibarpanel(self, d): """ Create page actions panel . @param d: parameter dictionary @rtype: unicode @return: formatted actions panel """ _ = self.request.getText html = [ u'


' % ( _("Quick Links")), self.navibar(d), u'
', ] return u''.join(html) # Rick: Borrowing code from Roger Haase's FixedLeft theme so that the searchbox buttons will wrap: def searchpanel(self,d): """Create search panel. @param d: parameter dictionary @rtype: unicode @return: formatted search panel """ _ = self.request.getText html = [ u'


' % (_("Search Wiki")), self.searchform(d), u'
', ] return u''.join(html) def trailpanel(self, d): """ Create page trail panel. @param d: parameter dictionary @rtype: unicode @return: formatted page trail panle """ _ = self.request.getText trail = self.trail(d) if trail: html = [ u'


' % ( _("Recently Viewed")), trail, u'
', ] else: html = [] return u''.join(html) def trail(self, d): """ Assemble page trail from modernized (not __init__.py): @param d: parameter dictionary @rtype: unicode @return: trail html """ request = self.request user = request.user html = '' if not user.valid or user.show_page_trail: trail = user.getTrail() if trail: items = [] for pagename in trail: try: interwiki, page = wikiutil.split_interwiki(pagename) if interwiki != request.cfg.interwikiname and interwiki != 'Self': link = (self.request.formatter.interwikilink(True, interwiki, page) + self.shortenPagename(page) + self.request.formatter.interwikilink(False, interwiki, page)) items.append(link) continue else: pagename = page except ValueError: pass page = Page(request, pagename) title = page.split_title() title = self.shortenPagename(title) link = page.link_to(request, title) items.append(link) html = u'
' % u'
'.join(items) return html # if the the user is not allowed to edit (i.e. not logged in), then don't display at all. def editbarpanel(self, d): """ Create page actions panel . @param d: parameter dictionary @rtype: unicode @return: formatted actions panel """ _ = self.request.getText if self.shouldShowEditbar(d['page']): html = [ u'


' % ( _("Page Tools")), self.editbar(d), u'
', ] return u''.join(html) return '' # Rick: We get to re-write this whole def all so we can convert the actions menu a drop-down list. # original code block copied out of Roger Haase's FixedLeft theme: he added baseurl to make things work properly # with javascript, then we re-write the HTML end with our own javascript. # Don't forget you can control what appears in this listed in this menu by controlling the Actions_excluded option. # Paste the following into your farmconfig.py/wikiconfig.py file and comment out items you -DO- want to list: """ actions_excluded = [ 'raw', #'print', 'RenderAsDocbook', #'refresh', 'SpellCheck', 'LikePages', #'LocalSiteMap', #'RenamePage', 'CopyPage', 'DeletePage', 'MyPages', #'SubscribeUser', 'Despam', 'revert', 'PackagePages', 'SyncPages', 'Load', 'Save', ] """ def actionsMenu(self, page): """ Create actions menu list and items data dict The menu will contain the same items always, but items that are not available will be disabled (some broken browsers will let you select disabled options though). The menu should give best user experience for javascript enabled browsers, and acceptable behavior for those who prefer not to use Javascript. TODO: Move actionsMenuInit() into body onload - requires that the theme will render body, it is currently done in wikiutil/page. @param page: current page, Page object @rtype: unicode @return: actions menu html fragment """ request = self.request _ = request.getText rev = request.rev # rev was a hidden input within the more actions form # alternative will be to append it to anchor urls if rev: revision = '&rev=%s' % rev else: revision = '' menu = [ 'raw', 'print', 'RenderAsDocbook', 'refresh', #'__separator__', 'SpellCheck', 'LikePages', 'LocalSiteMap', #'__separator__', 'RenamePage', 'CopyPage', 'DeletePage', #'__separator__', 'MyPages', 'SubscribeUser', #'__separator__', 'Despam', 'revert', 'PackagePages', 'SyncPages', ] titles = { # action: menu title '__title__': _("More Actions:"), # Rick: Set separator to blank, as that looks better in our drop down menu: '__separator__': _(''), 'raw': _('Raw Text'), 'print': _('Print View'), 'refresh': _('Delete Cache'), 'SpellCheck': _('Check Spelling'), # rename action! 'RenamePage': _('Rename Page'), 'CopyPage': _('Copy Page'), 'DeletePage': _('Delete Page'), 'LikePages': _('Like Pages'), 'LocalSiteMap': _('Local Site Map'), 'MyPages': _('My Pages'), 'SubscribeUser': _('Subscribe User'), 'Despam': _('Remove Spam'), 'revert': _('revert to this revision'), 'PackagePages': _('Package Pages'), 'RenderAsDocbook': _('Render as Docbook'), 'SyncPages': _('Sync Pages'), } options = [] #original: option = '' option = '
  • %(title)s
  • ' disabledOption = '
  • %(title)s
  • ' # class="disabled" is a workaround for browsers that ignore # "disabled", e.g IE, Safari # for XHTML: data['disabled'] = ' disabled="disabled"' disabled = ' disabled class="disabled"' # @@@ is this best way to form link to current page? Had trouble with subpages replicating parent page name in url # baseurl is full url as used here baseurl = self.request.getScriptname() + '/' + wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(page.page_name) # Format standard actions available = get_available_actions(request.cfg, page, request.user) for action in menu: data = {'action': action, 'disabled': '', 'title': titles[action], 'baseurl': baseurl, 'revision': revision,} # removes excluded actions from the more actions menu if action in request.cfg.actions_excluded: continue # Enable delete cache only if page can use caching if action == 'refresh': if not page.canUseCache(): data['action'] = 'show' data['disabled'] = disabled # revert action enabled only if user can revert if action == 'revert' and not request.user.may.revert(page.page_name): data['action'] = 'show' data['disabled'] = disabled # SubscribeUser action enabled only if user has admin rights if action == 'SubscribeUser' and not request.user.may.admin(page.page_name): data['action'] = 'show' data['disabled'] = disabled # PackagePages action only if user has write rights if action == 'PackagePages' and not request.user.may.write(page.page_name): data['action'] = 'show' data['disabled'] = disabled # Despam action enabled only for superusers if action == 'Despam' and not request.user.isSuperUser(): data['action'] = 'show' data['disabled'] = disabled # Special menu items. Without javascript, executing will # just return to the page. if action.startswith('__'): data['action'] = 'show' # Actions which are not available for this wiki, user or page if (action == '__separator__' or (action[0].isupper() and not action in available)): data['disabled'] = disabled #~ options.append(option % data) # @@@ if data['disabled']: options.append(disabledOption % data) else: options.append(option % data) # Add custom actions not in the standard menu, except for # some actions like AttachFile (we have them on top level) more = [item for item in available if not item in titles and not item in ('AttachFile', )] more.sort() if more: # Add separator #~ separator = option % {'action': 'show', 'disabled': disabled, # @@@ #~ 'title': titles['__separator__'], 'baseurl': baseurl,} # @@@ deleted by last fix #~ 'title': titles['__separator__'], 'baseurl': baseurl, 'revision': revision,} # @@@ separator = disabledOption % {'action': 'show', 'disabled': disabled, 'title': titles['__separator__'], 'baseurl': baseurl,} options.append(separator) # Add more actions (all enabled) for action in more: data = {'action': action, 'disabled': '', 'baseurl': baseurl, 'revision': revision,} # Always add spaces: AttachFile -> Attach File # XXX do not create page just for using split_title - # creating pages for non-existent does 2 storage lookups #title = Page(request, action).split_title(force=1) title = action # Use translated version if available data['title'] = _(title) options.append(option % data) data = { 'label': titles['__title__'], 'options': '\n'.join(options), 'rev_field': rev and '' % rev or '', 'do_button': _("Do"), 'baseurl': self.request.getScriptname(), 'pagename_quoted': wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(page.page_name), } html = ''' ''' % data return html # Rick: We get to copy this in from __init__.py so that we can comment out the current page link. def navibar(self, d): """ Assemble the navibar @param d: parameter dictionary @rtype: unicode @return: navibar html """ request = self.request found = {} # pages we found. prevent duplicates items = [] # navibar items item = u'
  • %s
  • ' current = d['page_name'] # Process config navi_bar if request.cfg.navi_bar: for text in request.cfg.navi_bar: pagename, link = self.splitNavilink(text) if pagename == current: cls = 'wikilink current' else: cls = 'wikilink' items.append(item % (cls, link)) found[pagename] = 1 # Add user links to wiki links, eliminating duplicates. userlinks = request.user.getQuickLinks() for text in userlinks: # Split text without localization, user knows what he wants pagename, link = self.splitNavilink(text, localize=0) if not pagename in found: if pagename == current: cls = 'userlink current' else: cls = 'userlink' items.append(item % (cls, link)) found[pagename] = 1 # Rick: This. This gets commented out to hide "current page" from navibar links. """ # Add current page at end of local pages if not current in found: title = d['page'].split_title() title = self.shortenPagename(title) link = d['page'].link_to(request, title) cls = 'current' items.append(item % (cls, link)) """ # Add sister pages. for sistername, sisterurl in request.cfg.sistersites: if sistername == request.cfg.interwikiname: # it is THIS wiki cls = 'sisterwiki current' items.append(item % (cls, sistername)) else: # TODO optimize performance cache = caching.CacheEntry(request, 'sisters', sistername, 'farm', use_pickle=True) if cache.exists(): data = cache.content() sisterpages = data['sisterpages'] if current in sisterpages: cls = 'sisterwiki' url = sisterpages[current] link = request.formatter.url(1, url) + \ request.formatter.text(sistername) +\ request.formatter.url(0) items.append(item % (cls, link)) # Assemble html items = u''.join(items) html = u''' ''' % items return html # Rick: Pasted in
    (don't forget the extra
    ) to break onto two lines. Also removed the extra size="20" so that we can make it pretty. def searchform(self, d): """ assemble HTML code for the search forms @param d: parameter dictionary @rtype: unicode @return: search form html """ _ = self.request.getText form = self.request.form updates = { # Rick - commented out because we don't need it. We wrap this in the panel above: #'search_label': _('Search:'), 'search_value': wikiutil.escape(form.get('value', [''])[0], 1), 'search_full_label': _('Text'), 'search_title_label': _('Titles'), 'baseurl': self.request.getScriptname(), 'pagename_quoted': wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(d['page'].page_name), } d.update(updates) # Rick - paste this in below if you want a needless field label. # # Rick - I also whack the 'size' from input id because that belongs in CSS. html = u'''
    ''' % d return html # Rick: Here we comment out the code that does the "linkto:" code because it's too easy to accidently click in our theme. # Rick: Use the WhatLinksToThis.py macro available on http://moinmo.in/MacroMarket def title_with_separators(self, d): """ Assemble the title using slashes, not